A Small Town Feel in Lake Highlands

 In A Peep at the Coops, Education

In 2007, Kaki and Jason Bates returned to her hometown neighborhood. The couple has two children, one of whom attends Moss Haven Elementary. Below Kaki shares what Moss Haven Farm has meant to her and her family.

MHF: When did you first learn about Moss Haven Farm?

KB: I started taking my son to the Moss Haven playground before he was even a student there and the farm was completely enchanting to him. I didn’t know much about the farm then, but appreciated the small town feel it gave the neighborhood.

MHF: How has it felt to watch the farm grow?

KB: It’s been marvelous. I love it, the kids love it, and they always want to show the farm off to visiting family and friends. It’s amazing how so many neighbors not only support the farm, but also help maintain it. I really love the chicken coop. When we’ve had friends over for weekend brunch, and are caring for the hens, I’ll take the children to the farm. We collect eggs and then bring them home to cook for all. I also like to take the children there for breakfast picnics in the summer. It’s so peaceful.

MHF: What do your children adore about the farm?     

KB: My son adores Farmer Kim, her guidance has made him love the farm and putting his hands in the dirt. As a child I remember growing a bean sprout in a plastic cup, which I thought was so cool. I can only imagine the fun he is having with an entire farm as a classroom. Moss Haven children get to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs and come to understand our earth needs a little tender, loving care to thrive.

MHF: In your opinion, is Moss Haven Farm an asset to our neighborhood?

KB: Absolutely! Besides my kids, I see other families with their children or grandchildren there. It’s become a place to gather and the kids are able to share what they’ve learned at farm classes during the week. My Mom has even gotten a plot at the Lake Highlands Community Garden, something I attribute because of what she saw at Moss Haven.

MHF: Even if neighbors don’t have children at Moss Haven, should they consider supporting the farm by attending A Peep at the Coops?

KB: Of course, it’s a community event! Peep is a great time for empty nesters to come back and see what’s happening at Moss Haven. Young families appreciate interacting with those who have been here longer and it reminds all of us how special Lake Highlands really is.

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